Wednesday 1 August 2018

Helping your spirit feel welcomed

Dear Friends of the Dark

Many people ask me about making their spirit feel welcomed when they receive them as they are new to owning a haunted doll or object and naturally it's normal to be nervous or excited.

Find a place for them that you feel they would like to be: If it's a sociable spirit, put it with others, if quiet maybe put it in a room alone or just with a few others. If it likes animals, make sure it can see your pet if you have one.

A Bonding Ritual is a great thing to do as it makes your spirit feel more welcomed, it is a bit like a spell or poem and you say it in a way that they know you are focussing on just them and introducing them to your home

Burn incense for it to cleanse the spirit and your house of bad entitities, you can use White Sage smudge sticks(they have a more powerful effect) or incense sticks. If a positive spirit you don't always have to do this

You can find essential oils that the spirit likes, they may prefer floral scents or fruity or woody scents, just try them out and see what activity you get.

You can communicate in many different ways with the spirits, my preferred methods are all old-school : Ouija board, Spirit Writing, Pendulum. However there is nothing to stop you from using the K2 Meters, EMF readers, Ghost Box, EMF bears etc. You can see which the spirits respond to the most, some may not respond to any if they are not comfortable, remember they are spirits and not things you can force to act, they will provide you with activity when they wish to communicate.

Just keep an eye out for signs of them communicating as some might feel bad if ignored, just know what you are taking on when you adopt as they want to be treated as a friend or family member

Even if you don't have time to communicate with these methods, maybe just whisper or talk to them, let them know you are around and you care, or move them into the room with you. Some spirits are very low maintenance and may just like being in your home, it's entirely dependent upon their personality.

You can give them gifts or offerings that suit the spirit's personality & taste, if younger spirits they may like teddies or dolls or toys and if a little older they may prefer ornaments or candles that are in scents that they like. Jewellery is another gift I sometimes gift to my spirits if they are older and I think they would like something I will buy it for them, I usually get necklaces for them as I can just place it around them. I find gifts make them more responsive and happy where they are, they also tend to open up a bit more to different forms of communication

Love & Light

Evie x

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Welcome to Dark Dolls Dark letters

Dear Friends Of The Dark

I have had a huge collection of spirited dolls and objects for a while now and I always get asked questions on how to communicate, live and just generally look after your spirits. Now I am going to put some information on here that will help you with your adopted spirits but also some vital information on how to keep them happy, cleanse them and generally be a good owner and friend to them. I will start by answering a few simple questions I have been asked:

How do you know a doll or object is haunted?
Generally you can tell by being in the presence of the haunted object or of a photo of it, you can feel a certain energy that isn't normal in an ordinary doll or object. If you already have haunted objects, you may want to isolate the doll/object in a different room and see how it responds and if you can pick up on energies.

I believe everyone has the ability to pick up on whether something is haunted, however not everyone is attuned to their ability. Having collected them for years, I have a highly attuned ability to feel energies of the dolls and objects around me. But if you're new it may take time for you to pick up on the energies.

You will probably notice certain activities that happen in your home that usually do not normally happen, things may go missing, you hear unusual sounds, you see lights or shadows and sometimes you will have dreams related to the spirit.

Why do you have such a large collection of dolls?
I have loved all things haunted since I was little so I have collected for a while now. Not only do I have a large collection that I have bought myself, I also get people from my paranormal contacts get in touch with me if they feel a spirit is ready to be re-homed.

I don't believe in spirits, how would you convince me that they are real?
I would not try to convince you at all, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and I know not everyone will believe in the presence of spirits, which is perfectly fine.

Love & Light

Evie x